As part of the City of St. Louis’ ADA Transition Plan, M3 (as a subconsultant to Oates) helped to evaluate physical barriers that limit access to individuals with disabilities to public areas. The plan involves programs, services, or activities that take place within the public right-of-way maintained by the City (sidewalks, curb ramps, crossings) and for facilities and sites owned, leased, or operated by the City (parks, recreational facilities, City Hall).
The project included collecting thousands of data points for the field inventory and assessment of representative assets. M3 created and implemented a GIS database to store information about the evaluated infrastructure elements, e.g., location, direction, size, feature, and obstruction. M3 also spatially enabled the database content for use with the City’s GIS and online mapping resources.
After the field data was collected and processed, M3 scored, prioritized, and mapped the data for the pedestrian network. Finally, M3 developed cost estimates for projects to improve the pedestrian facilities.