Alignment Studies
Arterial Roadway Design
Pedestrian/Bike Trail Design
Streetscape Design
ADA Compliance Assessment Design
4th And Broadway Sidewalks And Overlay
M3 Engineering was selected by the City of St. Louis to help evaluate and improve the corridor along 4th Street and along Broadway from Choteau to Convention Plaza. The corridor is one of the most important and vibrant in downtown St. Louis with several historic and iconic buildings including Bush [...]
PTB 197 Various Phase II Projects
M3 Engineering (M3) was a subconsultant to Wood for Job No. D-91-606-20, Various Phase II Projects and Value Engineering, Various Routes, Various Counties, Region One/District One. The project included Phase II engineering services related to contract plan preparation for road and bridge improvements, development of specifications and estimates, value engineering, [...]
JS McDonnell Bridge Replacement
M3 Engineering was selected for the design of the replacement of the existing Functionally Obsolete, three span bridge on JS McDonnell Boulevard. Bridge No. 164, which has an ADT of nearly 15,000, provides vital access to businesses north of Lambert Airport. The bridge spans Coldwater Creek and is only 1,200 [...]
Lindbergh Tunnel Inspection
M3 Engineering was part of the team that performed the periodic inspection of the Lindbergh Boulevard Tunnel under runways at Lambert Airport. In 2015 the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) established the National Tunnel Inspection Standards (NTIS) for highway tunnels. The NTIS require tunnel owners to establish an inspection program with [...]
Old Halls Ferry Bridge Replacement
M3 Engineering was part of the team that designed a replacement for the Old Halls Ferry Bridge over Halls Ferry Creek, located 0.10 miles north of State Route AC/New Halls Ferry Road. M3 performed a floodplain study on the stream to ensure that the proposed structure would not cause an [...]