M3 Engineering (M3) was a subconsultant to Wood for Job No. D-91-606-20, Various Phase II Projects and Value Engineering, Various Routes, Various Counties, Region One/District One. The project included Phase II engineering services related to contract plan preparation for road and bridge improvements, development of specifications and estimates, value engineering, plan review and surveying on various federally funded projects in District One. M3 focused on improving and/or reducing costs through Value Engineering for roadway drainage, cross drainage, and detention for a variety of projects, including:
1. IL 31 Widening and Reconstruction, IL 176 to IL 120 (6.8 miles)
2. US 20 Improvements, Randall Road to East of Shales Parkway (5.3 miles)
3. Pershing Road Improvements, Ashland Avenue to Wentworth Avenue (1.75 miles)
4. IL 60/83 Reconstruction and Widening, IL 176 to Intersection of IL 60 and IL 83 (3.5 miles)
Recommendations for the projects included: modifying an existing detention pond to reduce culvert size and save cost and impact; eliminating a cross-road culvert and increase storm pipes instead; eliminate catch basins in medians; create underground storage beneath school property; relocate a new culvert to avoid an historic building area; use native plantings for BMPs at detention facilities; lower a sewer main to meet IEPA clearance requirements; combine dual trunk sewers into one trunk sewer; and move a retaining wall to stabilize sewer outlet.