Hydraulic Modeling (XP-SWMM, HYDRA)
Alignment Studies
Sewer Design
Inflow Infiltration Reduction
Private Inflow Reduction
Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Study (SSES)
Condition Assessment
Combined Sewer Separation
Pump Station Design
Force Main Design
SCADA System Upgrade
St. Louis MSD needed to relocate several hundred SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) towers for sanitary lift stations to accommodate a new region-wide system. M3 was retained to investigate potential sites and to design fiber optic lines under railroads and highways. Using GIS, M3 analyzed all properties in circular [...]
Creve Coeur Creek Sanitary PH VI
M3 designed 7,933 lineal feet of sanitary sewers varying in size from 10" to 54" in diameter located west of Schoettler Drive and north of Clayton Road, in the City of Chesterfield, MO. The project included three stream crossings that required rip-rap stream protection over the piping, as well as [...]
Analyzing Alternate Flood Control Measures
This multi-year project includes updating the Chicago TARP model using InfoWorks, running the model, and using an optimizer software to optimize the benefits and impacts of alternate flood control measures in various subareas within Chicago. The project also includes arranging meetings and workshops with stakeholders and developing presentation materials for [...]
DC-02 DC-03 Sanitary Sewer Design
In order to help St. Louis MSD, eliminate constructed SSOs as part of MSD’s Consent Decree agreement with the EPA, M3 Engineering designed and prepared plans for 6,000 feet of 48” diameter relief sewer. M3’s effort began by analyzing and evaluating alternative alignments from Two Mile Creek to Log Cabin [...]